Fueling For Your Next Run

Instead of what’s for dinner? How about what’s for your run? Running long miles can make you pretty darn hangry and leave you bonked if you don’t properly fuel, so instead of hitting a wall try incorporating various nutritional products into your longer days! Let’s stop FUELing around and start learning about how to incorporate fuel into your run. 

Tips for fueling during your run: 

Give it a test run!

Find fuel that works for you and doesn’t leave you with any discomfort. It may take a few tries to find what is best on the run and best for you to digest but with a few trial and errors you are sure to find something that works! Ready to start testing a few products out? Good news, =PR= nutritional products are buy 6 get the 7th free year round. This is a great way to try a few brands or flavors! 

Got a sensitive stomach?

You’re not the only one, there are a number of products that are easy to consume and don’t leave you with any stomach issues. Stop by one of our 9 locations and let our staff shar a  few of their favorites! 

Fuel sooner rather than later!

Don’t wait til fatigue kicks in, instead fuel sooner than later! Again, it’s important to experiment well before race day to figure out a plan that works best for you. Not only do you want to figure out which products are best but also when to take them too! 

A Few Products to Try: 

Gu Energy Gels – The perfect go to and grab fuel is GU! And there are enough flavors that you are sure to find more than one you like! 

Nuun Tablets Good for hydrating and also great for everyday too! 

Built Bars – The official bar of the USATF and a great way to get some protein in! 

Need Help Getting Started? Fueling can be difficult to grasp, so stop by our store and let our staff help you with all your questions!