Running on Summer Vacations!

As summer draws near, many people are starting to plan their vacations. Vacation is a fun time spent with friends and family in a new, exciting place. Between traveling, sightseeing, and trying new delicious restaurants, running is probably far from your mind. As you schedule your summer vacation, carve out some time for running or walking. It doesn’t have to be long or far, but getting in a few miles here or there while on vacation has its benefits. Here are four benefits to running or walking on summer vacation.

Explore on Foot

There’s nothing like exploring a new place on foot. Running or walking gives you the flexibility to explore deeper into your vacation spot. If you are vacationing in the city, pick a landmark you want to see and run to it. Stop anywhere on the way. If you are at the beach, run in the sand by the water, on the boardwalk, or through the town. Mountain vacationers will have access to many beautiful trails! Take advantage of immersing yourself in your vacation spot. It can be a lot easier to see things on foot than from a car, subway, or train.

Maintain Your Exercise Routine

Another benefit is maintaining an exercise routine. So many times people will stop running on vacation only to find themselves sluggish and unmotivated once they return home. You may not be able to run every day on vacation and that’s ok! If you run or walk for fun or to stay in shape, pick a few days on your trip to head out there. If you on a training plan for an upcoming race, continue on your schedule the best you can while you are away. Remember, don’t feel guilty if you skip a day! It is vacation after all!

Family Bonding Time

Vacation is a great time to get your family excited about running, walking, and being active. Lace up those shoes and set out on a run or walk as a group. This will provide you with extra family time. If you have kids, let them choose the path! Getting out there together is a great bonding opportunity for the entire family.

Check Out the Local Running Scene

While the DC area and =PR= may be your home base, it can be fun to check out the running scene of your vacation spot. Before arriving, do some research and make a plan. Drop by a running store for some local merchandise. Join a local group for a fun run. If you are feeling super motivated, sign up for a local 5K. The options are endless!

The key to running or walking on summer vacation is to make it fun. Look forward to exploring a new place, maintaining an exercise routine, bonding with family, and scoping out the local running scene. Before you leave on vacation, stop by your local =PR= store or shop online for your summer vacation running essentials.